Sunday, August 29, 2010
வேறொன்றும் தேவை இல்லை நீ மட்டும் போதும் போதும்
Friday, August 13, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Love Just Happens
ஒரு வார்த்தையில் வாழ வைத்தாய்
ஒரு மேகத்தை போல் எந்தன் தேகத்தை மாற்றி வைத்தாய்
விறகை போல் ஒரு வேகத்தில் வேகத்தில்
வானத்தில் வானத்தில் செல்லுகின்றேன்
நிலவை போல் உன்னை தூரத்தில் தூரத்தில்
பார்க்கின்ற போதெல்லாம் துல்லுகின்றேன்
நீ எனது உயிராக
நான் உனது உயிராக
நான் உனது நெஞ்சத்தில் தோன்றிடும் நேரம்
நீ காணும் கனவெல்லாம்
நான் காணும் கனவாகி
நாம் சேர்ந்து ஒன்றாக பார்த்திட வேண்டும்
உயிரே நீ பார்த்தாலே உயிருக்குள் பூகம்பங்கள் தோன்றும்
உன்னால் அடி உன்னாலே உள்ளுக்குள் என்னென்னவோ ஆகும்
Sunday, August 1, 2010
where are we going...
A Creature of Your Creations,
Human Being,
Prabhakaran Subramanian.
The God,
Yesterday - till now kind of a very disturbing day it was...... I just took it that way God as You send it to me...... had a lot of situation unpleasant
Morning it was 5:30 am started from chrompet to Iyer room... My Friend Raghavan was asking me to check his machine for the past one week and I cannot have any more excuse on restoring his machine....
As usual... when I got down on the street..... Found people walking on the road some for their health
Some for their work some for their home.... i was able to find different set of people... no one bothered me.... no one cared about anyone else... i have seen some of the faces before ... unlikely no one had a smile on another one.. It made me to realize am in Chennai once again....
Got on a bus reached tambaram... from tambaram took 5A bus to velachery early morning initially I sat on a seat.... next a person though it was early morning... I was sill sweating had very little resistance to temperature.... asked the other person to open the window and he wasn't able to open the window... as usual took a windows seat all alone... then came a black guy with milk CAN sat next to me.... as usual kept feeling the breeze coming through the window..... Thinking on what is next....
It was meydavaakam
Time was somewhere around 6:00 am
the bus got filled in completely full of crowd I was wondering where these people are traveling so early in the morning...
There came two people a man with child along with her wife....
As soon as the Milk man saw the child suffering in the hands of her father he just stood and gave him a seat...
I felt really good about the Milk man who gave him a seat ... though he looked black in physic his heart was filled with milk...
She was somewhere around 2 years old.... pretty looking wearing a frock painted on with my favorite color...
She was looking at me.... as if i came from some hell... i smiled at her she still doesn’t want to smile....
At times things don't happen the way I wish.... but it was still a pleasant morning traveled all the way towards veylacheri a old man ... got into the crowd it was palikarnai stop.... i was searching for the milk man and he got disappeared in the crowd... the old man was looking eagerly for a seat... i was looking at him i had just two stops ahead of velachery ...when i was trying to head out... to give him a seat.. he found a person on the front seat leaving his seat he placed his bag on the seat to occupy the seat a traditional way of Tamil nadu to get hold of a seat..... I saw the urge on his face to get the seat... but the person who was sitting next to the window got the seat for someone else though he had the bag in there.... I was able to see some pain on his face ... I stood and I was about to get him the place.... but the other person who was having the child in his hand wants his wife to sit on the seat so he was blocking the old man from sitting on the seat .. I was there watching the scene... the old man was literally begging for a seat. He said that he could not stand anymore ...... he literally said his leg was paining very badly.... a moment I was able to recall everything ... I still remember the milk man leaving the space for the person understanding his pain... I simply asked him ... ungalukaaga oruthar edam vitatha athukulara maranthuteengaley I don't know whether I had the right words to him ... but I went on him... he looked at me for a second by the time another person who was standing next to the old man said to him not to worry you will definitely find a seat a stop after the next one... I didn't even get a small response from the person who had a child..... and not a single person who were sitting wants to get him seat, knowing that he is suffering.... where are we going...
now the questions are...
I don't understand this many time ... milk man was able to realize the pain of the guy who had the child.... the man standing next to the old man was able to understand his pain.... how come it is possible for him to react so rude... that too after getting help from someone.... some at least realize the pain of others and leave space though they need a seat badly I have seen this from every single one of my friends....
I can’t even imagine someone responding that way
I can’t believe someone can think like that....
you created the milk man and the person who was standing next to the old man...
and it was you the one who created the rude person....
I don't know why I changed my seat at the beginning
I wish I should have not been included in such a scene....
actually you are the only reason for me to write this letter...
it can be a very small incident for many - but still it hurts........
Prabhakaran Subramanian
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